Eurasylum’s activities benefit occasionally from advice and inputs by reputable external experts in the fields of immigration and asylum policy worldwide. Eurasylum’s International Advisory Board currently includes:
Geoffrey Care (Chair)
Founder and first President of the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ); former Chairman of the United Kingdom’s Immigration Appeal Tribunal
Prof Baha Abu-Laban
Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Alberta
Dr Jacques Attali
President of Planet Finance (Paris); former President of the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development); former Special Adviser to French President François Mitterrand
Dr Ulrike Brandl
Department of International Law and International Organisations, University of Salzburg
Dr Carla Collicelli
Deputy-Director, CENSIS Foundation (Rome)
Prof Cristina J. Gortazar
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universidad Pontifica Comillas of Madrid
Ambassador Anita Gradin
Former EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs (1994-1999); former Swedish Minister of Immigration
Pierre Henry
Director-General of France Terre d’Asile (Paris)
Prof Rainer Munz
Member of the EU Reflection Group
Prof Bruno Nascimbene
Director of the Institute of International Law, University of Milan
Prof Marek Okolski
Director of the Centre for Migration Research, and Chair of the Department of Demography, Warsaw University
Dr Nicholas Sitaropoulos
Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Prof Constança Urbano de Sousa
Professor and Director of the Research Law Centre of the Autonomous University of Lisbon
Prof Dirk Vanheule
Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp (UFSIA)
Dr Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Research Director at CNRS-CERI (French National Scientific Research Centre, Paris);
President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Migration of the International Sociological Association