Since its establishment in 2001, Eurasylum has conducted a wide range of research, evaluation, training and technical assistance assignments in the fields of immigration, border management, asylum policy and trafficking in human beings. To date, projects have been implemented in over 55 countries worldwide, on behalf of a wide range of Government and public sector agencies, in addition to large corporations and think tanks. These have included:

Eurasylum carries out, in particular, the following core activities:
- Research, i.e. policy studies and reports on behalf of public sector agencies in a wide range of immigration and asylum policy areas.
- Evaluation of policies, legislation and programme interventions (at ex ante, mid-term and ex post stages), and impact assessments, on behalf of national Government agencies and EU/international institutions.
- Programme management and monitoring activities for the implementation of EC Funds and other project interventions on migration and asylum policy in the EU Member States.
- Technical assistance and institutional development on migration policies and strategies in transition and developing countries, including legal gaps analysis and capacity assessments, on behalf of national, EU and international donor agencies.
- Direct advice to Governments, including training of public officials, on policy/legal reform in the fields of immigration and asylum policy.
- Dissemination activities, including through publication, from 2011 to 2022, jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), of ‘Migration Policy Practice’, a bimonthly journal directed at senior policy-makers worldwide, and occasional ‘Policy Interviews’ with key institutional players in the fields of migration and asylum policy worldwide.
Eurasylum’s selected project references include:
- 2019-2020: Member of a consortium led by Particip entrusted with the Evaluation of the EU’s interventions on migration in third countries, on behalf of the European Commission (DG NEAR and DG DEVCO).
- 2017-2021: Co-management, with Ecorys, ICMPD and MPI-Europe, of a four-year framework contract on “Consultancy and technical support services in the area of irregular migration” (Lot 1), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home Affairs).
- 2017: Contribution of a series of articles on irregular migration to Europe for IOM’s Global Migration Data Portal, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (Global Migration Data Analysis Centre – GMDAC).
- 2017-2021: Co-management, with Ecorys, ICMPD, MPI-Europe and the Migration Policy Group (MPP), of a four-year framework contract on “Consultancy and technical support services in the area of legal migration and integration” (Lot 2), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home Affairs).
- 2017: Evaluation of project proposals under the ‘Integration’ strand of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home).
- 2014-2018: Framework Contract on the “Provision of external expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (the LIBE Committee), in the field of Justice and Home Affairs including Impact Assessment studies – Lot 4 (Immigration, Integration and Management of the EU’s External Borders)”, on behalf of Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament.
- 2015: Contribution to NATO’s Strategic Foresight Analysis Report, on behalf of NATO (Allied Command Transformation – ACT, Norfolk, Virginia)
- 2015: Monitoring of the implementation of the External Borders Fund (EBF) in Sweden, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs).
- 2014: Monitoring of the implementation of the European Return Fund (RF) in Ireland, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2014-2015 Co-management, with Ramboll, of the ‘External Evaluation of FRONTEX’, on behalf of the EU Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX, Warsaw).
- 2014: Monitoring of the implementation of the External Borders Fund (EBF) in the Czech Republic, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2014: Monitoring of the implementation of the European Return Fund (RF) in the United Kingdom, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2014: Monitoring of the implementation of the External Borders Fund (EBF) and the European Return Fund (RF) in Portugal, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2014: Monitoring of the implementation of the European Refugee Fund (ERF) and the European Integration Fund (EIF) in Finland, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2014: Training of the Jordanian Border Guards, the Jordanian Public Security Department and the Jordanian General Intelligence Department on ‘Border Management related to Counter-Terrorism’, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), within the framework of an EU-funded programme on ‘Support to the Jordanian Border Guards in the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Syrian Refugees Crossing the Syrian-Jordanian Borders’.
- 2014: Chair of the ‘Professional Certificate in Strategic Migration Management’ course, on behalf of the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS, London, 24th–28th March 2014).
- 2014: Study on key priorities for the development of Libya’s migration policy, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva).
- 2013-2015: Provision of technical advice on immigration control policy in support of a number of assignments, on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC-Middle East).
- 2013: Monitoring of the implementation of the European Refugee Fund (ERF) in the United Kingdom, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2013: Study on the development of a Tourist Visa Model, on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
- 2013: Evaluation of the proposals submitted under the European Integration Fund’s Call for Proposals 2012-2013, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2013: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a “Compilation of the national evaluation reports on the results and impacts of actions co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals, from 2007 to 2010, and the European Refugee Fund, from 2008 to 2010, and production of a report at European Union level for each Fund”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs).
- 2013: Drafting of the EU comparative report for a project on ‘Foster and Improve Integration of Trafficked Persons (FIIT) in Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy and the UK’, co-funded by the European Commission (European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals 2010) and the Italian Ministry of the Interior, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Paris, France).
- 2013: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a ‘Study on the economic impact of short stay visa facilitation on the tourism industry and on the overall economies of EU Member States being part of the Schengen Area’, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry).
- 2012-2015: Co-management, with Ramboll, of the ‘Monitoring of the implementation by the Member States of the European Refugee Fund, the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, the External Borders Fund and the Return Fund’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs).
- 2012-2013: Consultancy on return of migrant overstayers, on behalf of Secure Border Services, Capita plc.
- 2012-2013: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a ‘Study on the situation of third-country nationals pending postponed return/removal in the EU Member States and the Schengen Associated Countries’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs).
- 2011-2012: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a ‘Study on the feasibility and legal and practical implications of establishing a mechanism for the joint processing of asylum applications on the territory of the European Union’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs).
- 2011-2012: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a ‘Study on the requirements specific to minors travelling alone or accompanied, legally entering or leaving the Member States and Associated Countries’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs).
- 2011-2013: Member of the SACO consortium entrusted with a “Framework contract COM 2011 Lot 1, for studies and technical assistance in all fields covered by the EC cooperation and development programmes for countries outside the European Union”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid). To access the Consortium’s website, please click here.
- 2011-2013: Co-management, with Ramboll and Euréval, of a framework contract for the ’Supply of Impact Assessment, evaluation and evaluation related services in the area of Home Affairs (Lot 2)’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs).
- 2011: Study on “The reception of and social benefits for illegal migrants and rejected asylum seekers in Belgium, Denmark, France, and the Netherlands”, on behalf of the Dutch Government’s Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, The Hague).
- 2010-2011: Study on “The implementation of Article 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) on the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States in the field of border checks, asylum and immigration“, on behalf of the European Parliament (Directorate-General for Internal Policies). To download the study in English, please click here.
- 2010: Preparation of an EU-Ukraine Twinning Programme on “Enhancing the Public Authorities’ Efficiency in the area of Migration Processes Management, in particular in the context of the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Readmission Agreement”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2010-2011: Consultancy on “Design and implementation of an integrated e-Immigration System in Ghana”, on behalf of CKP Ltd, the Ghana Immigration Service and the World Bank.
- 2010-2014: Framework Contract on the “Provision of external expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (the LIBE Committee) in the field of Justice and Home Affairs including Impact Assessment studies – Lot 3 (Asylum)”, on behalf of Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament.
- 2010-2014: Framework Contract on the “Provision of external expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (the LIBE Committee), in the field of Justice and Home Affairs including Impact Assessment studies – Lot 4 (Immigration, Integration and Management of the EU’s External Borders)”, on behalf of Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament.
- 2010: Advice to the Immigration Department of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) on “Legislative and administrative changes to national policies and practices in TCI”, on behalf of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
- 2009-2010: Co-management, with Ramboll, of a “Study on the feasibility of establishing a mechanism for the relocation of beneficiaries of international protection”, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Justice, Freedom and Security). To download the Final Report from this research, please click here.
- 2009-2013: Provision of advice on Human Rights and International Best Practice in a project co-managed by ARUP, Eurasylum and CKP on “Establishment of custody centres and temporary holding facilities for irregular migrants in Ukraine”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2009: Co-management of the IOM-Eurasylum Monthly Policy Interview series on ‘The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change’, Geneva: IOM and Eurasylum, November 2010, within then framework of the World Migration Report 2010.
- 2009: Monitoring of “The implementation of the EU External Borders Fund in Greece”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security).
- 2008: Study on “The administrative and technical aspects of land border checkpoints in the United Arab Emirates”, on behalf of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates.
- 2008: Study on “Recent measures taken to address irregular migration in Europe, with a special focus on irregular migration from the People’s Republic of China”, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva), within the framework of an EC AENEAS project on ‘Capacity Building for Migration Management in China’.
- 2008: Evaluation of “The use and effectiveness of automated border control systems in Australia, Canada, Dubai, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the USA”, on behalf of the UK Home Office (Immigration Research and Statistics – IRS, and Home Office Scientific Development Branch – HOSDB).
- 2008: Study on “The United Kingdom’s policies on irregular migrants”, on behalf of the Council of Europe (European Committee on Migration – CDMG, Strasbourg).
- 2007-2008: Study on “The protection of the rights and special needs of trafficked children”, on behalf of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA, Vienna).To download the paper resulting from this research, please click here.
- 2007-2008: Study on “The protection of the rights and special needs of irregular immigrant minors and asylum seeking children”, on behalf of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA, Vienna). To download the paper resulting from this research, please click here.
- 2007-2008: Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project on “Follow up of the Functional Review of the Return Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2007-2011: Framework Contractor to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (Vienna), for research and studies on ‘Policies relating to immigration, integration and citizenship’ (Lot 29), ‘Policies relating to social inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination’ (Lot 30) and ‘Policies relating to human/fundamental rights and minority rights’ (Lot 31).
- 2006-2007: Co-management of the IOM/Eurasylum research project on “Public Evaluation Policies and Practices in the field of Migration”, funded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva). To download the book resulting from this research, please click here.
- 2006-2007: Adviser on justice and home affairs (migration, asylum, border management, trafficking in human beings, customs, drugs trafficking, money laundering and crime prevention) in the consortium led by Egeval II entrusted with the “Evaluation of the EC Country Strategy in the Republic of Moldova (2000-2006)”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2006: Moderation of the “EU Migration and Governance Roundtable”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Development), within the framework of the ‘European Development Days’ (Brussels, 13-17 November 2006).
- 2006-2007: Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project on “Institutional building support to the Commissariat for Displaced Persons in Montenegro”, on behalf of the European Commission (European Agency for Reconstruction – EAR).
- 2006: Implementation of a fact-finding mission, and design of an EU action programme, on “Control of illegal migration and countering of document fraud in Ghana”, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (Asylum and Migration Section, Directorate for People Trafficking and Transportation).
- 2005-2006: Co-management, with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), of the “Final Evaluation of the first phase (2000-2004), and the definition of a common assessment framework for the second phase (2005-2010), of the European Refugee Fund”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security). Click here to view the final report (PDF file).
- 2004-2005: Implementation of a project on “Technical Assistance to the International Organization for Migration, and the Government of Iraq, to devise a Strategy on Migration Management in Iraq”, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM Geneva and Amman).
- 2004-2005: Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project on “Technical Assistance to Develop and Implement a National Action Plan for Migration and Asylum in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)”, on behalf of the European Commission (European Agency for Reconstruction).
- 2004-2006: Co-management, with the European Service Network (ESN), of a framework contract on “Information and Communication Operations relating to activities supported by the European Union in the field of Justice and Home Affairs in 2004, 2005 and 2006”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security).
- 2004-2005: Study on “EU Policy-Making on Asylum”, on behalf of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR, London). Click here to view the full report (PDF file).
- 2004: Member of the core team led by Plancenter Ltd, with particular responsibility for fieldwork in the Russian Federation and Serbia, entrusted with the “Evaluation of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2003: Member of the core team led by PLS-Ramboll entrusted with the Mid-Term Evaluation of the European Refugee Fund (ERF), on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs).
- 2002-2003: Implementation of a “Comparative Study of International Policies and Practice on Removals of Rejected Asylum Seekers in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom”, on behalf of the United Kingdom’s Home Office (Immigration and Nationality Directorate – Immigration Research and Statistics Service).
- 2003: Member of the core team led by the Charles Kendall Group entrusted with the PHARE project on “Technical Assistance to the Bulgarian National Customs Agency and National Border Police Service for Facilitation of Danube River Border Crossings”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Enlargement).
- 2002-2003: Member of the senior experts group led by Particip GmbH entrusted with the “Thematic Evaluation of Population and Development Programmes in EC External Cooperation in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid).
- 2003: Contribution to the preparation of a TV documentary by BBC1 on “Intra-EU migration of EU nationals of foreign descent” (BBC1, “The Politics Show”, 30 November 2003).
- 2002: Advice to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Vienna) for publication of a collection of contributions to a Workshop on Immigration into the European Union.
- 2002-2003: Member of the core team led by PricewaterhouseCoopers entrusted with a wide-ranging project on Immigration Policy in Ghana, on behalf of the World Bank.
- 2001-2002: Co-management, with GHK Ltd, of the “European Thematic Group on Asylum-Seekers under the EQUAL Community Initiative”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs).
- 2002: Member of the experts panel entrusted with the “Evaluation of the Grant Applications for the European Refugee Fund’s Community Actions 2002”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs).
- Since 2006: Affiliated Partner of the International Relations and Security Network (ISN).
- Since 2003: Institutional Affiliate of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) of the University of California, San Diego.
For further information on any of these projects, including details of project teams and availability of final reports, please click here.