Eurasylum’s reports and publications
This section provides a selection of reports and publications authored or co-authored by Eurasylum, as well as media interviews of Eurasylum staff.
For further information on any item posted in this section, or to enquire about other Eurasylum reports that are not currently available publicly, please click here.
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “Global Policy” (05/04/2023), on the need to reform the UN Security Council
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “EU Observer” (01/08/2019), on the likely future of EU migration policy under the new European Parliament, Commission and Council
Interview of Solon Ardittis and other experts in “Open Migration” (02/07/2019), on the likely positions of the new European Parliament in the field of migration policy (in Italian)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “The EU Observer” (08/01/2019), on the prominent role of migration issues in the next European elections
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “The Washington Post” (14/12/2018), on the outcome of the Marrakech summit to adopt the UN Global Compact for Migration
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “Refugees Deeply” (05/12/2018), on the UN Global Compact for Migration
Interview of Solon Ardittis and other experts in “The Atlantic” (29/06/2018), on the Trump administration’s immigration policies
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in Euractiv (25/06/2018), on the end of EU migration policy
Article by Solon Ardittis and Chris Catrambone in ‘Global Policy’ (06/04/2018), on the socio-economic integration of Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar (republished in The Dhaka Tribune, 11/04/2018)
Article by Solon Ardittis in IOM’s Global Migration Data Portal (22/02/2018), on the potential benefits of Blockchain in the field of migration and asylum policy (republished in Refugees Deeply, 26/02/2018)
Paper by Tony Mercer in IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre’s Data Briefing Series (07/02/2018), on the registration and identity management of irregular migrants in Europe
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis and Chris Catrambone in The Huffington Post (France) (02/02/2018), on the establishment of special zones for refugee resettlement
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis and Chris Catrambone in Thomson Reuters (30/01/2018), on alternative refugee resettlement models (republished in Rights in Exile, 01/03/2018)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in Europe’s World (21/12/2017), on a two-tier EU immigration and asylum policy
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in Irinnews (18/12/2017), on the uncertainties surrounding the UN Global Compact for Migration
Paper by Solon Ardittis in IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre’s Data Briefing Series (29/11/2017), on current data issues in relation to African migration to Europe
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Global Policy’ (Durham) (28/11/2017), on some of the persisting challenges in the handling of the refugee emergency in Greece (republished in Refugees Deeply, 01/12/2017)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (Brussels) (10/11/2017), on the growing disaffection of civil society with current EU migration policy developments
Paper by Dr Joanne van Selm in IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre’s Data Briefing Series (09/11/2017), on current data issues in relation to child migration to Europe
Article by Solon Ardittis in ‘Humanitarian Law & Policy’ (Geneva:ICRC) (07/11/2017), on the EU direct cash grants for refugees in Turkey one year on
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘openDemocracy’ (London) (26/09/2017), on the official termination of the two-year EU Relocation programme
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘EU Observer’ (Brussels) (08/09/2017), on the implications of the ECJ ruling on the EU Relocation scheme
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (Brussels) (08/06/2017), on potentially innovative measures to disrupt the rise of terrorism in Europe
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘New Europe’ (Brussels) (28/05/2017), on the policy and operational implications of the current rise of terrorism in Europe
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘E!Sharp’ (Brussels) (10/05/2017), on the French Presidential elections and the rise of the National Front (republished in openDemocracy, (17/10/2017)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Kathimerini’ (Athens) (22/03/2017), on the first anniversary of the EU-Turkey migration agreement
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘The EU Observer’ (Brussels) (05/01/2017), on ways to involve refugees and local authorities in EU decision-making processes
Contribution to an article on “Must-Read Stories on Refugees from 2016”, in ‘Refugees Deeply’ (New York) (29/12/2016)
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘Dnevnik’ (Ljubljana) (28/12/2016), on Greece and the Dublin system (in Slovenian)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘openDemocracy’ (London) (16/12/2016), on the concept of ‘effective solidarity’ in the field of EU migration policy
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Kathimerini’ (Athens) (10/12/2016), on the latest European Commission report on Greece’s participation in the Dublin system
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Ethics & International Affairs’ (New York) (14/11/2016), on whether the EU might be renouncing some of its fundamental values in order to better protect its external borders
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘The EU Observer” (Brussels) (26/10/2016), on ways to monitor the fundamental rights implications of the new EU external migration policy strategy
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv” (Brussels) (25/10/2016), on the EU Migration Partnership Framework
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘World Policy” (New York) (24/10/2016), on recent EU initiatives to protect its external borders
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘The Huffington Post” (France) (07/10/2016), on the future of the EU refugee relocation system
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘ESharp’ (04/10/2016), on recent progress made to address the EU migrant/refugee crisis
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Europp – European Politics and Policy’ (21/09/2016), on ways to reform the EU refugee relocation system after the Bratislava summit
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Global Policy’ (14/09/2016), on the rationale and implications of resuming returns to Greece under the Dublin Regulation.
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (09/09/2016), on the need to look for solutions to the global refugee crisis beyond central government initiatives and action.
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Refugees Deeply’ (02/09/2016), on the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in “ESharp” (22/07/2016), on the new EU Resettlement Framework
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘New Europe’ (30/06/2016), on the new European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Global Policy’ (23/06/2016), on the strategic significance of recent EU initiatives on migrant integration policy and highly skilled migration
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Europe’s World’ (08/06/2016), on the possible need for a public referendum on the future of EU immigration and asylum policy (republished in ‘Europost’, 17/06/2016)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Global Policy’ (26/05/2016), on new policy leads emerging from the World Humanitarian Summit and the UN High-Level Meeting on migrants and refugees
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Refugees Deeply’ (19/05/2016), on the first World Humanitarian Summit
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘New Europe’ (18/05/2016), on the current scale of the irregular migration threat from Libya
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (13/05/2016), on the possible collapse of the EU-Turkey migration agreement
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Refugees Deeply’ (10/05/2016), on the establishment of a global resettlement scheme for refugees based in the European Union (republished in ‘The Atlantic Council MENA Source’, 16/05/2016, and in ‘The CGS Monitor’,17/05/2016)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Global Policy’ (29/04/2016), on the new proposals by the European Commission to reform the Dublin system
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Vocal Europe’ (22/04/2016), on the first progress report on the implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement on refugees
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘New Europe’ (20/04/2016), on the Italian Prime Minister’s proposals to solve the EU migrant crisis
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘The EU Reporter’ (13/04/2016), on EU resettlement and private refugee sponsorship
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Vocal Europe’ (22/03/2016), on the Libyan migrant crisis
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (11/03/2016), on the draft EU-Turkey agreement on migration
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘New Europe’ (03/03/2016), on the new EU humanitarian aid fund for refugees
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘The EU Reporter’ (05/02/2016), on the possible suspension of Schengen (available in 27 languages)
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’ (31/01/2016), on the reform of Frontex (in Italian)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Vocal Europe’ (29/01/2016), on the possible suspension of Schengen
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘EurActiv’ (25/01/2016), on the EU migrant crisis
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘I Epohi’ (24/01/2016), on the EU refugee crisis (in Greek)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘Euractiv’ (22 October 2015), on the EU migrant crisis (in French)
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’ (15/10/2015) (in Italian), on the EU migrant crisis
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘La Tribune’ (23 September 2015), on the EU migrant crisis (in French)
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’ (19 September 2015), on the EU migrant crisis (in Italian)
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in ‘EurActiv’ (17 September 2015), on the EU migrant crisis
Op-ed by Solon Ardittis in the ‘EU Observer’ (15 September 2015), on the EU migrant crisis
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘Q Code Magazine’ (11 September 2015), on the EU migrant crisis (in Italian)
Interview of Solon Ardittis in ‘New Business Ethiopia’ (30 April 2015), on the EU migrant crisis
Assessment of priorities for the development of Libya’s migration policy: A strategic vision, Geneva: IOM and Eurasylum, 2014
Study on the economic impact of short stay visa facilitation on the tourism industry and on the overall economies of EU Member States being part of the Schengen Area, Brussels, European Commission, October 2013
Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures for the integration of trafficked persons, Geneva: International Organization for Migration (IOM), August 2013
Study on the requirements specific to minors travelling alone or accompanied, legally entering or leaving the Member States and Associated Countries, Brussels: European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs), July 2013
Study on the feasibility and legal and practical implications of establishing a mechanism for the joint processing of asylum applications on the territory of the EU, Brussels: European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs), July 2013
Study on the situation of third-country nationals pending return/removal in the EU Member States and the Schengen Associated Countries, Brussels: European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs), April 2013
Study on ‘The implementation of Article 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) on the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States in the field of border checks, asylum and immigration’, Brussels: European Parliament (Directorate-General for Internal Policies), April 2011. Also available in French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Report on reception and assistance for aliens residing illegally in Denmark and for aliens who have residence rights but no entitlement to benefits and facilities, The Hague: ACVZ, 2011
Report on reception and assistance for aliens residing illegally in France and for aliens who have residence rights but no entitlement to benefits and facilities, The Hague: ACVZ, 2011
Opvang van en bijstandverlening aan niet rechtmatig verblijvende en rechtmatig verblijvende, maar nog niet toegelaten vreemdelingen in België, The Hague: ACVZ, 2011
IOM/Eurasylum Monthly Policy Interview series on the ‘The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change’, Geneva: IOM and Eurasylum, November 2010
Policies on irregular migrants – Volume IV: Spain and the United Kingdom, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, September 2010
Study on the feasibility of establishing a mechanism for the relocation of beneficiaries of international protection, Brussels: European Commission (DG Home), July 2010
The protection of the rights and special needs of irregular immigrant minors and asylum seeking children, Vienna:EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), April 2008
The protection of the rights and special needs of trafficked children, Vienna:EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), April 2008
Assessing the Costs and Impacts of Migration Policy: An International Comparison, Geneva:IOM and Eurasylum, 2008, 204 pages, ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-9068-419-0
How are the Costs and Impacts of Migration Policies Evaluated?, Washington D.C:Migration Information Source, April 2008
Evaluation of the EC Support to the Republic of Moldova, European Commission, EuropeAid, November 2007
European Development Days 2006 – Summary Report of the Migration and Governance Roundtable, European Commission, DG Development, 2006
From Rome to The Hague: European Union Policy-Making on Asylum, London:Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), 2005
Thematic Evaluation of Population and Development oriented Programmes in EC External Co-operation, Final Report Vol. 1, European Commission, EuropeAid, March 2004
Thematic Evaluation of Population and Development oriented Programmes in EC External Co-operation, Final Report Vol. 2, European Commission, EuropeAid, March 2004