Advisory Board

advisory5Eurasylum’s activities benefit occasionally from advice and inputs by reputable external experts in the fields of immigration and asylum policy worldwide. Eurasylum’s International Advisory Board currently includes:

+Geoffrey Care (Chair)
Founder and first President of the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ); former Chairman of the United Kingdom’s Immigration Appeal Tribunal

+Prof Baha Abu-Laban
Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Alberta

+Dr Jacques Attali
President of Planet Finance (Paris); former President of the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development); former Special Adviser to French President François Mitterrand

+Dr Ulrike Brandl
Department of International Law and International Organisations, University of Salzburg

+Dr Carla Collicelli
Deputy-Director, CENSIS Foundation (Rome)

+Prof Cristina J. Gortazar
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universidad Pontifica Comillas of Madrid

+Ambassador Anita Gradin
Former EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs (1994-1999); former Swedish Minister of Immigration

+Pierre Henry
Director-General of France Terre d’Asile (Paris)

+Prof Rainer Munz
Member of the EU Reflection Group

+Prof Bruno Nascimbene
Director of the Institute of International Law, University of Milan

+Prof Marek Okolski
Director of the Centre for Migration Research, and Chair of the Department of Demography, Warsaw University

+Dr Nicholas Sitaropoulos
Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

+Prof Constança Urbano de Sousa
Professor and Director of the Research Law Centre of the Autonomous University of Lisbon

+Prof Dirk Vanheule
Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp (UFSIA)

+Dr Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Research Director at CNRS-CERI (French National Scientific Research Centre, Paris);
President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Migration of the International Sociological Association